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Earl S. Richardson Library: Donating to the Library

Donation Policies

The Earl S. Richardson Library selectively accepts gifts (monetary and material) donated to the Library.  Materials selected must support the collection development goals of the Library, as well as the teaching and research activities of Morgan State University.  The Library reserves the right to determine whether, and how, donated items will be retained and processed.

Donation Contacts

For information on making a monetary donation to the Earl S. Richardson Library, contact:

Dr. Richard Bradberry
Director of Library Services
(443) 885-3488

For information on making material donations to the Earl S. Richardson Library, contact:

Ms. Xiaoli Cheng
Associate Director for Technical Services

Charles Mezu
Cataloging Technician III

For information on making an archival/historical donation of published/printed or photographic material, objects or artifacts that chronicle Morgan history to the Earl S. Richardson Library, contact:

Dr. Ida Jones

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