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Federal Government Documents and Information: Congress

This guide introduces patrons to government information sources available to members of the Morgan Community

Congressional Resources The home page for the U. S. Congress.  From this page you can access

  • Current Legislation contains bills and laws submitted during the current session of congress.
  • All Legislation contains bills and laws submitted during in all sessions fo congress from 1973 to present
  • Congressional Record a daily journal of speeches and other activity in the House of Representatives and the Senate (1995 to present)
  • Committee Reports Report findings of investigations and research on legislation (1995 to present)
  • Members a directory of current and former Congress people (1973 to present)
  • Nominations a list of military, judicial, executive and diplomatic nominations submitted to the Senate by the President  (1981 to present)
  • House Communications a compendium of communications between the House and other governmental agencies (2015 to present)
  • Senate Communications a compendium of communications between the House and other governmental agencies (1979 to present)

Historical and Other Resources

Congressional Committees

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