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Federal Government Documents and Information: Librarian Tools

This guide introduces patrons to government information sources available to members of the Morgan Community


This page contains tools for the use of Richardson Library staff.


This tool can be used to track online usage of government documents at Morgan State.
A guide to the use of the Superintendant of Documents classification system.
The Registry is a listing of digitization projects undertaken by libraries, U.S. Government agencies, and non-profit institutions with a goal to increase access to historical U.S. Government publications that were previously only available in print format.
Depository selection profile.
The CyberCemetery is an archive of government web sites that have ceased operation (usually web sites of defunct government agencies and commissions that have issued a final report). This collection features a variety of topics indicative of the broad nature of government information. In particular, this collection features web sites that cover topics supporting the university's curriculum and particular program strengths.
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