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Federal Government Documents and Information

This guide introduces patrons to government information sources available to members of the Morgan Community

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Executive Documents

Messages and Papers of the Presidents (1789-1913); Public Papers of the Presidents (1929-2007); Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents (1977-2009); Daily Compilation of Presidential Documents (2007-2015); and various additional publications relating to the Presidency, with scattered date coverage.

(1996- ). Contains the budget message of the President, information about the President's budget proposals for a given fiscal year, and other budgetary publications that have been issued throughout the fiscal year.

(1996- present ). Codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the departments and agencies of the Federal Government. 

Annual report (1947- ) that overviews the nation's economic progress using text and extensive data appendices.

Orders signed by Presidents Roosevelt through Obama. (1937- ) Full text of orders from Presidents Clinton-Obama.

Identifies major sources for Presidential directives, proclamations, signing statements, executive orders, memoranda, and other documents. The site also links to many sources, such as CRS reports, that explain these documents.

(1994- ). The official daily publication for rules, proposed rules, and notices of Federal agencies and organizations, as well as executive orders and other presidential documents.

Visualization tool that offers a path into the digitized holdings of NARA’s Presidential Libraries, including texts, photos, and video/audio.

(1991- ). Includes addresses & remarks, appointments & nominations, bill signings & vetoes, communications to Congress & federal agencies, executive orders, media interviews, joint statements, letters & messages, meetings with foreign leaders and international officials, proclamations, resignations & retirements, and statements by the President.

Proposed rules and regulations issued by federal agencies. Through this site, you can find, read, and comment on regulatory issues.

List of more than 6,000 reports and other documents from the administrations of Andrew Jackson to Barack Obama are indexed by commission/advisory body name, report title, report subject and presidential administration. Links to the full text of the reports are provided whenever possible

Text of each President's messages to Congress.

Links to the Executive Office of the President; executive departments; independent agencies; boards, commissions, and committees; and quasi-official agencies.

(1993-present). Presidential proclamations, signing statements, speeches, communications to agencies & Congress, appointments & nominations, and materials released by the White House Press Secretary.

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