SIPP is a nationally representative longitudinal survey that provides comprehensive information on the dynamics of income, employment, household composition, and government program participation. SIPP is also a leading source of data on economic well-being, family dynamics, education, wealth, health insurance, child care, and food security. The survey interviews individuals for several years and provides monthly data about changes in household and family composition and economic circumstances over time.
The Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) is a very high-dimension dataset with approximately 470,000 rows and 5200 observations.
Data Dictionary for 2020-2023 can be found HERE. See also below for an outline of the variable classes.
Direct URL for data dictionary:
Data Quality and Other Issues Over the course of releasing an enormous amount of information there are circumstances when data, questions, and/or variables may require an adjustment or revision. The user notes section was developed to communicate resolutions or updates necessary in order to assist data users and provide the highest quality of data possible.
Adult and Child Well Being
Child and Dependent Care
Education Enrollment
Fertility History
Health Insurance
Health Insurance Recodes
Labor Force
Marital History
Other Health Coverage
Parents’ Natality and Mortality
Parents’ Nativity
Poverty and Income
Type 2 People