NOTE : Starting in March 2024 the Annual Survey of manufactures was transitioned into the Annual Integrated Economic Survey (AIES) and includes 2023 data.
The Annual Survey of Manufactures provides key intercensal measures of manufacturing activity, products, and location for the public and private sectors. The ASM provides the best current measure of current U.S. manufacturing industry outputs, inputs, operating status, and is the primary basis for updates of the Longitudinal Research Database (LRD). Census Bureau staff and academic researchers with sworn agent status use the LRD for micro data analysis.
Statistics are available on a sample universe of manufacturing establishments with one or more paid employees at any time during the year for manufacturing classified in NAICS sectors 31-33. Employment, payroll, hours, cost of materials, operating expenses, shipments and receipts for services, value added, inventories, and relative standard errors data are available for the U.S. at the 2- through 6-digit NAICS levels.
The ASM is conducted annually, except for years ending in 2 and 7, at which time ASM data are included In the manufacturing sector of the Economic Census.
See Variables BELOW.
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Last updated : 20250127
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Summary of Tables:
AM1831BASIC01 Summary Statistics for Industry Groups and Industries in the U.S.
AM1831BASIC02 Annual Survey of Manufactures: Geographic Area Statistics: Summary Statistics for Industry Groups and Industries in the Geographic Area [last four survey years]
AM1831BASIC03 Annual Survey of Manufactures: Geographic Area Statistics: Supplemental Statistics for the U.S. and States
AM1831BASIC04 Summary Statistics for Quarterly Production Worker Payroll [latest year]
AM1831BASIC05 Summary Statistics for Value of Donated Products
AM1831BASIC06 Annual Survey of Manufactures: Summary Statistics for Average Number of Days Closed Per Establishment in the U.S. and States: [current year]