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Info Lit Tool Kit: Assessing information

instructions for assessing resources activities page

How to Spot Fake News

By IFLA ( [CC BY 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Keepin' it real - tips and strategies for evaluating fake news - Library guide from William H. Hannon Library, Loyola Marymount University , Los Angeles.

The types of information you use depends on your purpose. At University you will often be expected to use a variety of resources and some that you may not have encountered before.

Watch the videos on this page to learn about types of resources, assessing information and about the peer review process.

Then try the quiz - answers are below - try not to peek!

Types of articles

Peer review

choosing the best resource #2

what would you use to find out the AUT Library opening hours?
NZ Herald website: 0 votes (0%)
Time magazine: 0 votes (0%)
on YouTube: 0 votes (0%)
on Facebook: 0 votes (0%)
AUT Library website: 7 votes (100%)
ask a friend: 0 votes (0%)
a peer reviewed journal article: 0 votes (0%)
AUT student handbook: 0 votes (0%)
Total Votes: 7

choosing the best resource #4

what resource might you use for a demonstration on using a bunsen burner?
University textbook: 0 votes (0%)
AUT Library website: 0 votes (0%)
peer reviewed article: 0 votes (0%)
YouTube video: 6 votes (75%)
AUT Library website: 2 votes (25%)
ask a friend: 0 votes (0%)
Total Votes: 8

choosing the best resource #6

what would you choose to learn about the latest fashion looks?
a fashion blogger: 0 votes (0%)
your mum or dad: 1 votes (10%)
Vogue magazine: 8 votes (80%)
today's newspaper: 0 votes (0%)
a peer reviewed journal article: 0 votes (0%)
your university textbook: 1 votes (10%)
Total Votes: 10

Evaluating resources

choosing the best resource #1

what would you use to read today's news?
AUT Library website: 0 votes (0%)
Textbook on your topic: 0 votes (0%)
Academic, peer reviewed journal article: 2 votes (22.22%)
Vogue magazine: 0 votes (0%)
Time magazine: 0 votes (0%)
watch a You Tube video: 0 votes (0%)
read 0 votes (0%)
Pick up a newspaper from your dairy: 7 votes (77.78%)
Total Votes: 9

choosing the best resource #3

what would you use when researching an academic essay?
The Auckland Art Gallery: 0 votes (0%)
any online newspaper: 0 votes (0%)
.com website: 1 votes (10%)
.govt website: 0 votes (0%)
peer reviewed journal article: 8 votes (80%)
trade journal: 1 votes (10%)
an interesting blog: 0 votes (0%)
talking to an expert: 0 votes (0%)
Total Votes: 10

choosing the best resource #5

what would you use to get general factual information on a topic??
a good friend: 0 votes (0%)
your mum or dad: 0 votes (0%)
a peer reviewed article: 3 votes (42.86%)
a .com website: 0 votes (0%)
a university textbook: 4 votes (57.14%)
Time magazine: 0 votes (0%)
Total Votes: 7

Quiz answers

#1 -  or a newspaper are the best choices here

#2 - AUT library website or AUT Library Facebook page

#3 - A peer reviewed article  is the first choice, although all of these may be useful, depending on what you have been asked to do.

#4 - A YouTube video would do it, but a friend may be useful too!

#5 -A university textbook is your best bet here

#6 - It depends on your taste - probably Vogue or a fashion blogger


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