eBook Collection (USMAI via EBSCO)
Ebrary (ProQuest)
Finding a book using the call numbers is pretty straightforward. The call number is made up of letters and numbers and books are shelved alphabetically by the first letter or letters in the call number:
Q 141. C23
QA 234 .G67
QD 34 . F45
After the first letters is a number which is read as a simple whole number:
Q 24. C23
Q 54 .G67
Q 134 . F45
The second part of the call number is another letter shelved alphabetically, but the number after is read as a a decimal:
Q 141. C235
Q 141 .C3
Q 141 . C499999
Q 141 . C5
Q 141 . C499999 comes before Q 141 . C5 because both '499999' and '5' are treated as decimals.