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ORNS 106 SCMNS Freshmen Orientation: How to Find Articles

A Guide for students in the School of Computers, Mathematics and Natural Sciences freshmen orientation

How to find articles

There are two ways to search for article through the library website.

You can search through a particular database listed BELOW or you can search all databases through the Library Discovery Service (located below the video and on the library homepage.

Databases by Discipline


          American Chemical Society (ACM)

          CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics

Computer Science and Engineering

          ACM Digital Library

         Computers & Applied Sciences Complete

         Computer Database        

Environmental Science

          Environment Complete



Multidisciplinary Science Databases


         IGI InfoSci eBooks and Journals

        Science Magazine (AAAS)

        Science in Context

        Science Direct


General Research Databases

Academic Search Complete


Oxford English Dictionary

Proquest Central

Proquest Theses and Dissertations

Sage Premier

Statistical Databases



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