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News and Newspaper Resources : Current and Historical


Digital News Databases.  These are proprietary database provided through Richardson Library by subscription to ProQuest.

Historical Newspapers include proprietary sources  like ProQuest Historical Newspapers, and several free online collections like the Google News Paper Archive and Chronicling America through the Library of Congress.

Digital News Databases

U. S. Major Dailies (via Proquest) provides access to the five most respected U.S. national and regional newspapers: The New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, and the Wall Street Journal.

U.S. Newsstream (1980 - current) (via Proquest) U.S. Newsstream enables users to search the most recent premium U.S. news content, as well as archives which stretch back into the 1980s featuring top newspapers, newswires, blogs, and news sites in active full-text format.

International Newsstream (via Proquest) International Newsstream provides the most recent news content outside of the US and Canada, with archives which stretch back decades featuring newspapers, newswires, and news sites in active full-text format.

Global Breaking Newswires (via Proquest) Global Breaking Newswires is a library news product which provides timely access to the best newswire content available globally as well as growing archive of news that may not be captured in any of the traditional print sources.

Canadian Newsstream (via Proquest) This database offers unparalleled access to the full text of over 190 Canadian newspapers from Canada's leading publishers. This full text database includes the complete available electronic backfile for most newspapers, providing full access to the articles, columns, editorials and features published in each. Some backfiles date as far back as the late 1970s.

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