Hours for Spring 2025
Welcome to the resource guide for the Department of Civil Engineering
Resources and Services available to the Morgan Community:
To request instruction for your students, please contact the Engineering librarian, Bryan Fuller.
-Bryan Fuller, Engineering Librarian
bryan.fuller@morgan.edu, x1705
Click HERE to access
“AccessEngineering is an award-winning engineering reference tool for professionals, academics, and students that provides seamless access to the world's best-known, most-used collection of authoritative, regularly updated engineering reference information. AccessEngineering also comprises dynamic online features, such as instructional, faculty made videos, calculators, interactive tables and charts, as well as personalization tools allowing users to organize crucial project information as they work.”
AccessEngineering has 716 online books, 897 tutorial and illustrative videos, and 4,451 interactive graphs with copious explanations and instructions for calculation. All of these can be selected by category like industrial, environmental or electrical engineering; or by industry like electronic, and building and construction, and manufacturing.