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Baquaqua : The Afro-Diasporic Text Corpus Project: Index of Authors

Transcribed and Annotated Texts by African-American Authors

Index of Authors

This page contains a list of authors group by the time period of their birth.  This list includes authors non-American authors as well in anticipation of expanding the scope of the project beyond the United States to include wider diasporic writers.

Authors born in the 18th century

LNAME FNAME MName(s) NameNotes * Sex PoB Source Floruit
Allen Richard 1760 1831 M Delaware Boyd 1794
ar-Rahman Abd Likely idem to ibn Sori c. 1790 unk. M Morocco Boyd
Ball Charles ne Charles Gross 1780 unk. M Maryland W 1837
Banneker Benjamin 1731 1806 M Maryland W 1790s
Cuffe  John c. 1755 unk M Massachusetts Boyd
Cugoano  Ottobah aka John Stuart c. 1757 p. 1791 M West Indies/England Carretta
Elaw Zilpha 1790 1873 F Pennsylvania Wf 1846
Equiano Olaudah 1745 1790 M Benin A 1789
Moses Grandy 1786 unk M North Carolina W
Gronniosaw Ukawsaw aka James Albert 1710 1775 M Bornu Empire Boyd
Hall Prince c. 1735 1807 M Massachusetts Boyd
Hammon Briton 1730 1760 M Massachusetts A
Hammon Jupiter 1711 1806 M New York A
Haynes Lemuel 1753 1833 M Connecticut Boyd
Horton George Moses 1798 1867 M North Carolina A
ibn Said Omar 1770 1864 M West Africa Other
ibn Sori Abdulrahman Ibrahim 1762 1829 M Guinea W
Jackson Rebecca Cox 1795 1871 F Pennsylvania A
Jea John 1773 unk. M Nigeria Other
Jones Absalom 1746 1818 M Delaware Other
Lee Jarena 1783 1864 F New Jersey A
Marrant John 1755 1791 M South Carolina A
Prince Mary Gardner 1788 unk. F Bermuda A
Prince Nancy 1799 1856 F Massachusetts Wf
Prince Lucy Terry c. 1730 1821 F Massachusetts A
Sancho Ignatius 1729 1780 M Atlantic Ocean W
Steward Austin 1793 1860 M New York Boyd
Truth Sojourner nee Isablla Baumfree 1797 1883 F New York A
Turner Nat 1800 1831 M Virginia Boyd
Unknown Africanus Pseudonym fl. 1790 unk. M Philadelphia Other
Unknown Belinda 1717 unk. F Massachusetts Boyd
Unknown Cato Likely pseudonym fl. 1781  unk. M Connecticut Other
Unknown Old Elizabeth 1766 unk. F Maryland Boyd
Walker David 1785 1830 M North Carolina A
Wheatley Phillis 1753 1784 F Massachusetts  



LNAME = Last Name
FNAME = First Name
MNAME(s) = Middle Name(s)
* = Year of Birth
† = Year of Death
Sex = per se nota
PoB = Place of Birth
Source = Biographic source 
Floruit = Period of writing

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