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eBooks: Home

An overview of eBooks as a resource. Their strengths and weaknesses, what separates them from other online resources,

An Overview of eBooks

eBooks are a digital format analogous to print books. Some are reproductions of print books, while others are "born digital," meaning that they were written with the intention of being published as eBooks, and not in print. Often times, "born digital" eBooks are not printed at all. eBooks are hosted on a wide variety of platforms, which this guide consolidates to make them available to you at one place. 

Morgan State eBook Databases

As a service to the Morgan community, the Earl S. Richardson Library subscribes to several databases which focus on eBook materials. You can view them below:

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In a hurry? This search box will allow you to quickly search for eBooks through the EBSCO eBook Collection database (the first database listed in the column to the left).

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Public eBook Access

Many eBook resources are available for free access on the internet. These platforms typically maintain digital repositories of eBooks that are either in the public domain, or manage copyright concerns using practices like Controlled Digital Lending. 

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